The Spirit of Enterprise: Business Approaches to Regenerating the Commons

Audio Recordings

For four days, over 30 leaders and pioneers of generative and creative enterprise came together to explore The Spirit of Enterprise: Business Approaches to Regenerating the Commons.

Speakers Included: Chana Anderson, Dean Anderson, Michel Bauwens, Marcelo Cardoso, Lisa Chacon, Chip Conley, Deborah Cullinan, Julie Daley, Gordon Davidson, Riane Eisler, Kent Frazier, Robert Girling, Gwen Gordon, Anne Griswold, Phillip Guzenuk, Julie Harlan, Pamela Hawley, Robert Horn, Gopi Kallayil, Dori Koll, Michael McElhenie, Corinne McLaughlin, Dave McNeil, Charlie Piscitello, John Renesch, Ann Rhoades, Betsy Sanders, Steve Schein, Cory Smith, Joel Yanowitz, Edward West, Norman Wolfe, and others. Click topic links below to access recordings


Creative Enterprise: Voices of Transformation Speakers: Rinaldo Brutoco, Tami Simon, Lisa Nitze, Daniel Epstein, Woody Tasch, Jed Emerson, Fran Korten


Thursday, October 31 - 10:00am - 10:45am PDT
The Emerging Cooperative Economy and Society: A Conversation on Peer Production, Capitalism, and 'Common-ist' Movements

Michel Bauwens

Michel Bauwens is a Belgian Peer-to-Peer theorist and an active writer, researcher and conference speaker on the subject of technology, culture and business innovation. Bauwens is founder of the Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives and works in collaboration with a global group of researchers in the exploration of peer production, governance, and property.

Thursday, October 31 - 11:30pm - 12:15pm PDT
Hired to Bring Delight (and Disrupt!)

Gwen Gordon

Gwen Gordon is an Emmy-winning director who began a life of play building Muppets for Sesame Street. She is a pioneer in the field of adult play at places like Xerox PARC and IDEO. Gwen is currently working on Seriously! A movie about play.

Thursday, October 31 - 11:30pm - 12:15pm PDT
Hired to Bring Delight (and Disrupt!)

Joel Yanowitz

As one of the co-founders of Innovation Associates, Joel Yanowitz worked with Peter Senge (The Fifth Discipline) to pioneer the field of Organizational Learning. He now brings his 35 years as a consultant and entrepreneur to the challenge of advising leaders on how to take smart action in conditions of high complexity and uncertainty.


Thursday, October 31 - 2:30pm - 3:45pm PDT
Consciousness, Leadership, and the Enterprise
Moderated by John Renesch

John Renesch

John Renesch (Moderator) is the Founder of FutureShapers, LLC, a company that forms executive peer groups which focus on conscious leadership, the nexus of his work since the early 1980s. He has published 14 books, the latest being The Great Growing Up, which was named the 2013 Grand Prize Winner for Non-Fiction by the Indie Book Awards.

Julie Daley

A teacher, writer, speaker, and coach, Julie Daley has led hundreds of people from all walks of life to awaken to the inner source of true creative expression. Julie also guides people to discover and create work in the world that sustains life, both individually and collectively.

Anne Griswold

Anne Griswold works as a Principal, Leadership and Coaching at Xilinx Corporation. In this role, Anne leads strategic initiatives for developing conscious leadership at all levels of the company. Anne has more than 25 years of experience in organizational design and development, learning strategy, and project management.

Julie Harlan

Julie Harlan is Managing Partner and co-owner of Coin Harlan Consulting, a learning solutions consulting firm based in San Francisco. Coin Harlan Consulting has a deep interest in bringing dialogue about consciousness to organizations, and are launching their first training product Accessing the Mindful Leader Within in partnership with FutureShapers.

Betsy Sanders

As principal of The Sanders Partnership and former Nordstrom executive, Betsy Sanders dedicates herself to a multi-faceted relationship with the global business community. A director, consultant, coach, speaker and author, she partners with leaders committed to transformative practices focused on growing their businesses coherent with their values in partnership with all stakeholders.

Thursday, October 31 - 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm (PDT)
The Economic Value of Caring

Raine Eisler

Riane Eisler, JD is President of the Center for Partnership Studies, fellow of WAAS, and member of the Club of Rome and the World Future Council. She teaches online, keynotes conferences worldwide, and is author of The Chalice and the Blade, The Real Wealth of Nations, and many other books and articles.

Friday, November 1 - 8:45 am - 9:30 am (PDT)
Generative Entrepreneurship and Regenerating the Commons

Aftab Omer

Aftab Omer, PhD is a sociologist, psychologist, futurist and the president of Meridian University. Raised in Pakistan, India, Hawaii, and Turkey, he was educated at the universities of M.I.T, Harvard and Brandeis. His publications have addressed the topics of transformative learning, cultural leadership, generative entrepreneurship and the power of imagination. He is a Fellow of the International Futures Forum and the World Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Friday, November 1 - 10:00 am - 10:45 am (PDT)
Is a Philanthropic Society in Our Future?

Pamela Hawley

Pamela Hawley is the founder and CEO of UniversalGiving™, helping people give and volunteer with vetted opportunities across the world. Pamela has been awarded the Jefferson Award, was a finalist for Ernst and Young's Entrepreneur of the Year, and has been invited to the White House for exclusive events on three occasions.

Friday, November 1 - 11:30 am - 12:15 pm (PDT)
Resilience and Reciprocity: Conscious Conservation in the 21st Century

Mike Tetreault

Mike Tetreault is deeply moved by the natural world. He has dedicated his career to healing the relationship between human beings and all life on earth. Mike currently serves as Northeast Director for The Nature Conservancy. He lives in Bath, Maine with his wife, Neera and daughter, Wren. Learn more at

Friday, November 1 - 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm (PDT)
The 4 Sights of Conscious Change Leadership

Dean Anderson

Dean Anderson is co-founder and CEO of Being First, Inc., a change leadership development and transformational change consulting and training firm serving Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and global non-profits for over thirty years. Dean co-authored two cutting edge books with Linda Ackerman Anderson, The Change Leader's Roadmap: How to Navigate Your Organization's Transformation, and Beyond Change Management: How to Achieve Breakthrough Results through Conscious Change Leadership, which Ken Wilber calls, "The best ever written on an integral approach to business transformation."

Friday, Nomverber 1, 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm (PDT)
Growing Businesses on Purpose
Moderated by Kent Frazier

Kent Frazier

Kent Frazier (Moderator) is curious about why you work. He is a Managing Partner with Y Scouts, a purpose-based leadership search practice that is Changing Why the World Works, by connecting people and companies that share a common purpose. Kent believes that our “work” should be the fullest expression of our Unique Self and our genuine labor of love.

Chana Anderson

Chana Anderson is a tenured Human Resource professional with seventeen years of experience and expertise in employee/labor relations, performance management, leadership development, and organizational effectiveness. She is currently the VP for Human Resource at Marin Community Foundation. Chana holds a bachelor's degree in Organizational Studies, and is a candidate for a MA in Leadership.

David McNeil

David McNeil, VP at, is a result-driven executive with 20 years of experience building and leading successful inside sales, enterprise sales, and strategic accounts teams for various high growth technology and financial services organizations. Currently he leads a team responsible for driving 30% sales growth for

Charlie Piscitello

Charlie Piscitello leads strategy and execution for Human Resources, Sustainability, Safety, Public Affairs, & Communications at Petco. He is also President and Board Chair of the PETCO Foundation, a leading national non-profit that financially supports thousands of animal welfare organizations across the US. Charlie has extensive experience in several industries. Prior to Petco, he worked for Boston Scientific, First Data Corporation, Gateway, Coors Brewing Company, and Abbott Laboratories.

Ann Rhoades

Ann Rhoades is a dynamic and visionary Human Resources Executive with over 25 years experience in a variety of service-based industries. She held the position of Vice President of the People Department for Southwest Airlines and Executive Vice President of Team Services for Promus Hotel Corporation and most recently, the Executive Vice President of People for JetBlue Airways where she currently remains as a Board Member as well as President of People Ink, her Human Resources consulting company.

Norman Wolfe

Norman Wolfe is one of the few people who is a succesful businessman, a best-selling author and an ordained Interfaith minister. Having lead companies large and small, been a public company director and walked the spiritual path - he brings a depth and groundedness to the art of leadership and creating corporate results that is rare.

Friday, November 1 - 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm (PDT)
More Virtual, More Ritual: What Business Can Learn from Festival Culture

Chip Conley

Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hospitality & Fest300, Airbnb Head of Global Hospitality. To "create joy," Chip built the 2nd largest boutique hotel brand in the world. The NY Times bestselling author launched Fest300 with the belief that, "The more virtual we get, the more ritual we need." And, he's teaching his brand of hospitality to Airbnb hosts in nearly 200 countries.

Saturday, November 2 - 10:00 am - 10:45 am (PDT)
Making Dollars and Sense: The Conscious Investing Movement

Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson

Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson are co-authors of The Practical Visionary, Spiritual Politics (Foreword by the Dalai Lama), and Builders of the Dawn. They are co-founders of The Center for Visionary Leadership in California, and co-founders of Sirius, a spiritual and ecological community in Massachusetts. Corinne directed a national task force for President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development. Gordon was the Founding Director of the Social Investment Forum and of CERES, The Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies. They both are Fellows of The World Business Academy and The Findhorn Foundation and Corinne is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council.

Saturday, November 2 - 11:30 am - 12:15 pm (PDT)
Finding 'Happiness in Action' at Work

Phillip Guzenuk

Phillip Guzenuk is an expert in leadership, organizational development and finding "happiness in action' at work. Phillip is a partner of the Coaching Institute of Saint Petersburg, consultant of MetaIntegral Assosiates, USA, author of The Happiness in Action: Energy Sources For Peak Performance program. He works internationally in Russia, New Zealand, USA, Austria, Lithuania, Finland and Armenia.

Saturday, November 2 - 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm (PDT)
Exploring the Arts: A Center for Innovation, Community, and Collective Impact

Deborah Cullinan

Deborah Cullinan is the Executive Director of Yerba Buena Center for the Arts – San Francisco's premiere contemporary art center. She is co-founder of ArtsForumSF; a member of the Board of Californians for the Arts, the Community Arts Stabilization Trust, the Center for the Theater Commons and the Catalyst Initiative. She received the 2013 Visionary Leadership Award from TCG. She is a Rockwood Fellow; a Gerbode Fellow; and a graduate of National Arts Strategies' Chief Executive Program.

Saturday, November 2 - 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm (PDT)
The Impact HUB Phenomenon: Through the Eyes and City of Oakland
Moderated by Jordan Luftig

Lisa Chacon

Lisa Chacon is a co-founder of Impact Hub Oakland, an integral thinker and innovation consultant. She holds a doctorate in chemistry from UC Berkeley, and a masters in sustainability from Sweden's Blekinge Technical Institute. What makes her come alive is supporting the evolution of human consciousness and unleashing the collective genius of groups to solve tough problems.

Dori Kolll

Dori Koll is a designer, an innovator, and a social change leader. She studied design at Stanford University and Art Center College of Design, and had a successful career as a graphic designer. In 1997, after having four children, Dori led a team to found Sage Hill High School in Orange County, California, opening in 2000. In 2011 Dori completed the Leading By Design Fellows Program at California College of the Arts in San Francisco. She is currently a Senior Advisor for Generation Waking Up, a social profit organization with a mission to ignite a generation of young people to bring forth a thriving, just, sustainable world. With Generation Waking Up, she is engaged in designing social change models and social engagement curriculum for schools. Dori is a founding investor for HUB Oakland.

Edward West

Edward West creates infrastructure to allow people to realize their deepest intentions. He is the Founder of Hylo, a social network designed to turn communities-of-purpose, like co-working spaces, accelerators, and makerspaces, into vibrant resource-sharing networks. He is also Co-Founder of Impact Hub Oakland, a new coworking and community space in Oakland.

Saturday, November 2 - 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm (PDT)
Mapping Social Messes, Resolving Wicked Problems

Robert E. Horn

Robert E. Horn is an American political scientist who taught at Harvard, Columbia, and Sheffield (U.K.) universities. Currently he is a visiting scholar at Stanford University's Center for the Study of Language and Information. He is known for the development of Information mapping.

Sunday, November 3 - 10:00 am - 10:45 am (PDT)
Innovation in Cities - Insights from the San Francisco Mayor's Innovation Fellow

Cory Smith

Cory Smith is currently the first Mayor's Innovation Fellow for the City of San Francisco. He is a co-founder of Wisdom Labs and an advisor to Wisdom 2.0. Cory was the CEO of the Hub Bay Area, Hub Ventures and SOCAP. Previously, he co-founded MediaCast and Webcast Solutions, two companies that produced many of the first webcasts in the world featuring bands, CEO's and global leaders.

Sunday, November 3 - 11:30 am - 12:15 pm (PDT)
Good Companies: Case Studies and Controversies

Robert Girling

Robert Girling is a Professor in the School of Business and Economics at Sonoma State University. He has taught and consulted with business and governments for over 30 years. He received his Ph. D. from Stanford University. He has taught at the Federal University of Bahia, the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, the University of the West Indies and American University in Washington D.C. He has worked in 20 different countries for the World Bank, USAID, the United Nations, and the International Center for Research on Women. He is a social entrepreneur who co-founded LIDERE, a school improvement program in Brazil which worked with 80 schools in Northeastern Brazil and is a co-founder of the Sustainable Enterprise Conference series. Prof Girling is the author of over 50 articles and books. His most recent book, The Good Company (Hill Press, 2012) is about sustainable companies and social enterprises.

Sunday, November 3 - 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm (PDT)
Professional Life: The Perfect Classroom for Wisdom Practice

Gopi Kallayil

Gopi Kallayil is the Chief Evangelist of Google+ for Brands. Before joining Google, Gopi was on the management team of two Silicon Valley venture funded startups and a consultant with McKinsey & Co. He is an avid yoga practitioner, triathlete, public speaker, global traveler, and Burning Man devotee. Gopi has spoken at TEDx, Renaissance Weekend, The World Peace Festival, and Wisdom 2.0. He hosts a TV program on cable and YouTube called Change Makers.

Sunday, November 3 - 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm (PDT)
Presence Under Pressure
Moderated by Sean Esbjorn-Hargens

Marcelo Cardoso

Marcelo Cardoso is SVP for one the largest brazilian Health Care companies, also Presidente of Integral Institute Brazil and has been applying integral in business for the last 10 years.

Michael McElhenie

Michael McElhenie serves as Managing Director of Metatropia Institute, a Dallas-based leadership development and change management firm. He is also a Senior Consultant for MetaIntegral, Teleos Leadership Institute, and Dynamic Results. Michael advises, coaches and works with leaders to manage personal, team, and organizational change. With deep expertise in emotional intelligence and crucial communication, Michael helps leaders navigate the complex and ever-changing dynamics of executive team and board relationships. He is often called upon to help leaders efficiently and effectively scale, merge, integrate and evolve their organizations. Michael received his doctorate in Organizational, Clinical and Experimental Psychology from the University of North Texas, and his Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and Psychology from the University of Florida. He is a practicing licensed psychologist and a graduate of the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland's renowned Organizational Systems and Development program.

Steve Schein

Steve Schein is a member of the faculty at the School of Business at Southern Oregon University (SOU), where he teaches sustainability leadership and business ethics. Steve is a certified public accountant (CPA) and former CEO with more than 30 years of senior management experience in several industries. He is currently completing his PhD in Human Development and Organizational Systems at Fielding Graduate University. The working title of his PhD is The Ecological Worldviews of Sustainability Leaders: A Developmental Perspective.

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